Lynda com Add a Wraparound Effect for a Marquee with jQuery (jQuery添加選取框教學) 英文正式版
軟體簡介: 出品的時長31分鐘的jQuery添加選取框教學。jQuery 是繼 prototype
之後又一個優秀的 Javascript 框架。其宗旨是—寫更少的代碼,做更多的事情。它
是羽量級的 js 庫(壓縮後只有21k) ,這是其他的 js 庫所不及的,它相容 CSS3,
還相容各種流覽器(IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。 jQuery 是
一個快速的,簡潔的 javaScript 庫,使用戶能更方便地處理 HTML documents、events、
實現動畫效果,並且方便地為網站提供 AJAX 交互。Chris Converse教導如何添加
Join Chris Converse as he teaches how to add a wraparound effect
to your homepage marquee with a concise bit of jQuery code. The
course covers positioning the photos, adjusting the navigation,
activating the marquee, and making sure the marquee auto-plays.
In a few short movies, designers can learn how to add this dynamic
feature to their web sites.
For more information on creating the marquee, please watch
Create an Interactive Homepage Marquee with jQuery.
Topics include:
>> Creating a New Variable
>> Manipulating the Photo Lineup
>> Activating the Carousel with JavaScript
>> Setting and Animating the Captions