MapInfo MapX Mobile 5.0 英文光碟正式版
MapInfo MapX Mobile 5.0 英文光碟正式版
MapInfo MapX Mobile是一個可以用在Pocket PC的MapX 平台,譬如Compaq的 iPAQ
和 HP 的Jornada.。它是一個開發工具,可以讓我們的客戶開發新的移動軟體,進
而擴展現有的軟體。 用 MapX Mobile 建立的軟體可以單獨在設備上運行,並能夠
和Pocket PC的Windows CE操作系統兼容,不需要無線連接。
MapX Mobile是為Pocket PC開發用戶化地圖軟體首選的開發工具。 MapX Mobile是
MapX and MapXtreme for Windows 的自然延伸,Windows的程序員可以用它來開發
mobile 軟體。MapX Mobile的介紹意味著開發者只需要掌握一種項目開發模式便可
以為desktop, web and Pocket PC開發地圖軟體。
MapInfo MapX Mobile is a development tool for creating map-based
applications for mobile workers. Applications that are built with
MapInfo MapX Mobile leverage the Pocket PC Windows OS, running on
devices such as the Compaq iPAQ and HP?Jornada. This specialized
version of the popular MapInfo MapX Active X Control can be used to
bring existing map-based applications onto mobile devices, or to
create new applications.
With MapInfo MapX Mobile it's possible to create powerful, feature
rich applications for any mobile workforce. In the commerical sector,
these include applications for service/repair representatives, sales
professionals, field engineers/technicians, or claims representatives.
Within government, these include applications for law enforcement
professionals, health/building/agricultural inspectors, social services
caseworkers and other mobile professionals.
Applications work anywherendoors, outdoors, rural or urbanhey don
require wireless connectivity.
The application and data reside on the device.
Any and all data can be synchronized with the desktop, including
MapInfo .TAB and .GST files.
Applications can connect to Pocket Access and Microsoft?SQLTM
Server 2000 Windows CE Edition.
Applications created with MapInfo MapX Mobile can also receive up
content via a wireless connection. For example, an application written
with MapX Mobile can display maps generated by MapInfo MapXtreme, our
Internet/intranet mapping application server.